Sunday, August 2, 2009

Reflections: Chanting Daimoku

i have decided to make it an effort to blog,
and share whatever i have learnt !
yep yep!
i will make the effort to attend every friday dinner
and every meetings, and absorb and learn as much as i can! =)
then i will share it here ^^
this time, the topic is about chanting daimoku.
From TPSD Friday Dinner:

1. when we chant, we should:
a. set concrete and specific prayers
b. pray with determination and strong faith
c. believe that we have buddhahood and have the right ichinern

2. Besides chanting, it is important that we take actions.
With the wisdom, lifeforce and courage manifested, together with the actions,
we will score victory.

3. Both quality and quantity are important in chanting daimoku.
Quality means to concentrate and focus,
while quantity means to chant more.

Testimonial shared:
- a mother who has a son who is disabled.
- had to carry his son to and from school everyday,
for a total of around 15 years.
- never gave up, and persevered.
- the son entered university in the end.
- all the efforts was worth it.

well, that was all i could remember
was not feeling well so thats the most i can absorb..
still, it was a great time !=)

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