Saturday, August 22, 2009

Guidance #4

From: Creative Life, May 2009
Be disciples who share the same destiny as their mentor!
Be disciples who share the same joys and sorrows as their mentor!
Be disciples who share the same goals as their mentor!
Be disciples who share the same triumphs as their mentor!
Be disciples who share the same life as their mentor!
-Second Soka Gakkai President, Josei Toda

The struggles our presidents have faced,
the challenges they took on,
are truly noble.
They have strived,
no matter how tough the path is,
with their minds set on the goals, for Kosen-Rufu.
It is definitely not easy,
but they strived till the end.
They have such great compassion, courage, and lifeforce,
they have worked so hard for everyone.
This is their mission, and they did it.

Let us, disciples of sensei,
take on this mission,
and move alongside with him!
Let us, disciples of sensei,
take the vow for Kosen-Rufu!
Let us, disciples of sensei,
challenge every obstacle with the lion's roar!
For this is our mission, our life, our cry !

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