Friday, July 24, 2009

Reflections: Paying Gratitude

It have been long since i last updated.
Well, updating it means i want to share something!
The thing i want to share is:
Paying gratitude.
I learnt it from Friday Dinner (TPSD)
I am really inspired by the sharing.

1. We should always pay gratitude for what we have.
To our family, who gives us support, parents, who gave us this life.
To our friends, for being there for us, for everything they did.
To our sensei, for guiding us, giving us encouragements (Mentor-Disciple Spirit)

2. Never be complacent
We must remember to pay gratitude and not slacken just because of joy.

3. To be stronger in faith, and participate more in Kosen Rufu.
This way, we are paying our gratitude to gohozon,
and also to our sensei, for his objective is for the happiness of everyone.
Also, we are paying our gratitude by sharing happiness with everyone.

4. In order to be stronger in faith, we must have the foundation:
a. Faith
b. Practice
c. Study

5. Sensei's efforts and struggles for Kosen Rufu. (NHR)
Sensei did all his best despite his weak health, just for the happiness of the members.
He never gave up, and still went ahead to give enouragements.
His spirit of Kosen Rufu is truly inspiring, and we should learn from it.
With the Mentor-Disciple spirit, we should work even harder,
with our sensei and all others, for the success of Kosen Rufu.

After the Friday Dinner,
i really felt inspired.
I realised the importance of working hard in faith,
the importance of sharing with others.
Who knows how much we have touched the hearts of others.
Like the person who shared it, have definately
inspired the listeners who attened the Friday Dinner,
including me.
The heart of sharing, the sincerity for the happiness of others,
is what touched us.
This is where absolute happiness is. =)

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