Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My ThouGhts #1

From: Myself
In life, there are bound to be many problems.
The society may seem to be ugly,
at times,
the world may be in total darkness..
this should not stop us from pursuing absolute happiness.
The darker the world appear to be,
the more we should shine brightly.
Let us all illuminate the world,
like the shining bright stars in the night sky.

Words from me:
I believe as long as we don't give up,
as long as we persevere,
one day we will succeed.
I am trying my best now,
climbing up the high mountain.
It may be tedious.
But i strongly believe that one day,
i will be able to reach the top,
and shout to the rest of the world:
"I did it!"
Its all thanks to the ppl who guide me,
to sensei,
and to Faith
that i have become more positive now.

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