Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My First Step

My first step towards the route of faith
started off sometime before my O levels.
My mother bought 2 sets of praying beads and gongyo book.
One for me, the other for my elder sister.
Her initial intention was to allow my sister to start chanting
as she was facing some problems.
However, the strange thing was,
i started chanting, following her to the SSA HQ to chant.
I was not a fortune baby as you can see from above.
I chanted, and my faith was not strong at all.
Till now, I don't really know what made me decide to try.
At a time where i went to chant alone,
i met my current leader's mother,
who passed my number to my leader.
And this started off my real route towards faith.

I attended meetings, and learnt alot.
Besides that, i was overjoyed to get my O Levels results.
My prayers to get good results was answered!
I did better than i expected and aimed for,
and because of that,
i was able to enter my ideal course- TP Psychology Studies.
It enabled me to move another step closer to my dream.
Though i know, there're really many other obstacles ahead.

I had always been a VERY negative person.
All my thoughts were negative,
i wasn't happy in my life.
Whenever i think of my reason of joining SSA,
i would come up with the conclusion that
it was because i wanted to give my last shot
in finding happiness.
All these years,
i tried all sorts of ways to make myself happy
and others around me happy.
Time and time again i failed.
I really don't want to give up happiness.
For my mission and goal i set for myself in this life
needed it.

I am really fortunate to come across this Buddhism
which i strongly believe will bring absolute happiness to everyone.
Looking back,
i realised i have changed.
From a VERY negative person,
to someone who aims and moves on.
I admit my faith isn't that strong yet,
and i had more to do to reach that stage.
There're times whereby i fall,
feel lost and negative once again.
But i am always able to pick myself up.
I don't want to give up.
And all these are thanks to faith.
Thanks to my mother who planted the seed of faith in me.
Thanks to my leaders who guided me in the path of faith.
I am really grateful,
to Gohozon (object of devotion),
to those who led me to faith,
to my dearest Sensei.

I received another benefit
whereby my prayers are answered!
My mother who went to an operation recently,
went through a very successful operation.
And besides that,
she had a strong life force and courage
and did not fear the operation.
This is due to the daimoku my mother and i had been doing.
It may seem nothing, but to me
it meant alot.
And once again,
i am grateful to the Gohozon.

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