Saturday, February 6, 2010

Reflections: Mission

It have been long since i blogged.
I wonder who will read this,
but i hope whoever who came across this
will always be filled with hope and compassion.

This Mystic Law
is one that really transforms lives.
Through Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo,
through faith,
through study,
through action,
we manifest courage, compassion, wisdom and lifeforce.

This year is a very significant year for the Soka Gakkai.
It marks many important anniversaries.
And this year,
i have taken on 2 leadership roles in SSA.
They are:
Tanah Merah Central District 1- Assistant District Leader
Temasek Polytechnic Student Division: Campus I/C
To me,
it is a very important mission.
As a leader, I vow to give my all in fulfilling this role.
There are always things for us to learn,
things for us to challenge.

The path may be tough,
"The darker the night, the nearer the dawn."
By persevering and challenging with strong fighting spirit,
nothing can defeat a determined person.
So this year i resolve to:
1. Do my human revolution
2. Treasure and love everyone around me
3. Carry out Kosen Rufu joyously
4. Be a good leader and contribute my best in Gakkai

A true victor is not one who is rich.
A true victor, is one who is never defeated.
A true victor, is one who fights for justice.
A true victor, is one who lived his life to the fullest.

Nothing is easy,
but because of that,
we will never take things for granted.
In Buddhism, everything happens for a reason.
Everyone have a unique mission to fulfil.
And only we can take on that mission.
Lets be the one who takes the initiative!

"Even the darkest places can be illuminated."
We must always remember,
there is no deadlock in Buddhism.
There is no dead end.
We must always forge ahead!
As someday, we will find happiness for ourselves and for others.

Successors of Soka!
Lets Rock the Era!
Together with Sensei!!!